
Latest news about the project execution:
Jun 30th, 2024: the project ended. The second-year project report was approved by the Scientific Council of IANAO and was submitted to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Jun 13th − 20th, 2024: B. Mihov and L. Slavcheva-Mihova visited NRIAG. During the visit the results from the overall project execution were discussed. The main project results will be published in a paper submitted to the Europian Q1 journal Astronomy & Astrophysics:
Article reference: aa51315-24
Title: Multi-wavelength study of the blazar S5 0716+714 on diverse timescales
Author(s): B.M. Mihov, E.G. Elhosseiny, L.S. Slavcheva-Mihova, Ali Takey, M.N. Ismail, Ramy Mawad
The future prospects for the collaboration were also discussed.
May 9th − 11th, 2024: B. Mihov and L. Slavcheva-Mihova participated at the annual conference of the Bulgarian Astronomical Society held in Shumen, Bulgaria. A talk entitled "Joint optical monitoring of the blazar S5 0716+714 in Bulgaria and Egypt" by B. Mihov, L. Slavcheva-Mihova, A. Takey, E. Elhosseiny, was given at the conference.
Nov 15th, 2023: TAC at the IANAO allocated for semester 2024A (1.3.2024-31.8.2024) 6 night at the 2-m telescope and 12 nights at the Schmidt telescope of the Rozhen NAO to be used for observations of the project sample objects.
Oct 17th, 2023: funding was obtained for the second year of the project.
Aug 1st − 31th, 2023: A. Takey and E. Elhosseiny visited IANAO. During the visit observations at the 2-m and 50/70-cm telescopes of the Rozhen NAO were performed and the current status and future prospects for the project execution were discussed.
Jun 30th, 2023: the project first period ended. The first-year project report was approved by the Scientific Council of IANAO and was submitted to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Apr 25th, 2023: TAC at the IANAO allocated for semester 2023B (1.9.2023-29.2.2024) 7 night at the 2-m telescope and 9 nights at the Schmidt telescope of the Rozhen NAO and 5 nights at the 60 cm telescope of the Belogradchik AO to be used for observations of the project sample objects.
Dec 19th, 2022: TAC at the IANAO allocated for semester 2023A (1.3.2023-31.8.2023) 7 night at the 2-m telescope and 10 nights at the Schmidt telescope of the Rozhen NAO and 5 nights at the 60 cm telescope of the Belogradchik AO to be used for observations of the project sample objects.
Dec 2nd − 11th, 2022: B. Mihov and L. Slavcheva-Mihova visited NRIAG. During the visit talks were give before the Department of Astronomy at NRIAG, observations at the 1.88-m telescope of the Kottamia AO were performed, and the current status and future prospects for the project execution were discussed.
Jul 1st, 2022: the project started.
Header image: Cosmic Cliffs in the Carina Nebula as seen by the James Webb Space Telescope; credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI.