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Class introduction

Goals of course:

Class organization and assignments:

Note content cannot be complete, and that ideas/data change with time! Comparison with ASTR615.

Observational history

What are galaxies made of?

How are galaxies formed?

General current picture of galaxy formation is that of gravitational instability in an expanding universe. In this picture, dark matter plays a crucial role as the dominant mass component. Gravitational instability picture:

Galaxies evolve, both internally and in number.

Basic questions about galaxy formation - when do each of these steps happen and what are their relative importances? some issues:

Initial conditions/internal processes vs. environment (c.f. stars whose nature are determined by internal basic physics.) Possible/likely that relative importance of these effects is different for different galaxies.

Three approaches to study of galaxy formation/evolution:

At current time, these are being put together.

What limits the size of galaxies?

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Jon Holtzman 2007-05-04