A mother’s look has the power to motivate her children because what she sees in them.

They know there isn’t a problem, issue or situation that God can’t handle. she saw” (2:5). This Mother’s Day, I am thinking about the power of a mother’s faith. If … . This may not always be the case, but I believe it is the case far more often than not.So as we study the Bible, we read about the great men of the Bible and how they were mightily used of God. I am convinced that no one knows more about the power of prayer than mothers.The lyrics to "A Mother’s Prayer" sung by Celine Dion powerfully express the heart of a mother:   My mother’s prayers shaped me in more ways than I will ever know. This is genuine faith. My mother embodied this spirit. He says, “I am mindful of the sincere faith within you….” (2 Timothy 1:5). See myThis Mother’s Day, I am thinking about the power of a mother’s faith. And so many of you do that day after day.

Both Timothy’s grandmother and mother had this kind of genuine faith before he did.I am not suggesting that faith is inherited from one person to another because it is not. 2.

She knows the truth of James 5:16, that the fervent prayers of the righteous are powerful!Where would we be without our mothers’ prayers? The power of a mother’s voice The human voice is a critical social cue, and listeners are extremely sensitive to the voices in their environment. It is faith without hypocrisy. Moses grew up to be the mighty man God used to deliver His people from Egypt.We often say that behind every good man is a good woman.

If we had financial problems, she prayed for God’s provision. When a decision had to be made, she prayed that God would guide our footsteps and help us not lean on our own understanding.As a child I often would find my mom on her knees asking God to bless her family, marriage and children.

By closing this banner or continuing to browse this website, you agree to the use of cookies. Hence, we see the power of a mother’s faith.Not long after Samuel was weaned, Hannah gave Samuel back to God (1 Samuel 1:24). The preferred version of that saying is alongside—not behind—every good man is a good woman. He says, “I am mindful …

Oftentimes, it was the mother’s faith of these great servants that played a phenomenal role in who they turned out to be.So in this Mother’s Day message, I want to give a shout out to all the mothers out there. 3. With genuine faith in God as the starting point, there is no limit to where your children can go in life.Copyright © 2014 by Frank King.

The back cover of Dr. Brenda Hunter’s book The Power of Mother Love casts a vision for moms: “Mother love shapes cultures and individuals. Mothers pray before their children are born, during their childhood years and continue praying until the Lord calls them home. She taught us the If we were sick, she prayed for our healing. What prayer do you remember most from your mother?

One of the most significant voices in a child’s life is their mother’s voice: Infants discriminate their mother’s voice from the first days of life, and this stimulus is associated with guiding emotional and social function during development. But faith that is regularly modeled before another person can positively impact that person’s life.Accordingly, it is reasonable to assume that Grandmother Lois had this kind of influence on the life of her daughter Eunice. All rights reserved. Find all of our books, bibles, greeting cards and special offers in our store. The power of a mother’s courage. They know there isn’t a problem, issue or situation that God can’t handle. The adopted mothers also saw, “The daughter of Pharaoh . In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he refers to Timothy’s genuine faith. Samuel grew up to become one of the greatest prophets of all time.To escape the death sentence that the king had issued for all Hebrews boys, she placed baby Moses in a homemade boat among the reeds in the river and trusted God to protect him (Exodus 2:3). Mothers are praying warriors.