As we explored whether any aspects of The Nun are based on a true story, we learned that the demon in the movie shares very little with the "real" Valak from mythology, other than the name and the title "Marquis of Snakes." W 2017 r. Botet zagrał Trędowatego, jedną z wielu form Tego w filmie Valak po raz pierwszy pojawił się podczas seansu w celu ustalenia, czy demoniczna obecność była rzeczywiście odpowiedzialna za to, że Ronald DeFeo Jr zamordował swoją rodzinę w 1974 roku. You make zero sense!

Pan Mullins pyta, kto jest zakonnica na tle fotografii. Also, it really is simple as not fearing the clown in order to defeat it.valak is a spirit being,pennywise is more physical so valak winsValak wins if it's movie Pennywise. Valek is a demon or something similar to it, can’t see it having a fear (perhaps something holy, but that’s not a magic trick I’d imagine an entity like PW would have in its bag either).

Później w filmie rodzina Hodgsonów, rodzina mieszkająca w Wielkiej Brytanii, zaczyna doświadczać paranormalnej aktywności. The tease of Valak in Annabelle: Creation is a perfect example of something The Conjuring universe does incredibly well.
Scenario 1: MCU Dormammu.

I think we can assume the extradimensional magical being can effect souls. You need a somewhat of a logical nerve to read comics and to be in here.Who said he was immortal? Wkrótce zakonnik zostaje żywcem zakopany przez demona, który następnie próbuje udusić Irene.

Valak would have a huge upper hand because Samara isn't even a demon so her power is a lot lower than Valak. PW’s whole thing was fear; hence why the kids were eventually able to overcome him. We do a deep-dive into the world of James Wan's 'Conjuring' Universe, trying to make sense of the demons and dolls that appear across 'Annabelle', 'The Nun', and 'The Conjuring'. Valak vs. Samara Morgan- Well Samara, like Bathsheba, died human then became a vengeful spirit after. Dead people are well...dead so they can't testify and the children will surely say it's a demon that killed these people (or even point to Janice).....but if the nun is Valak well wouldn't the nun testify AGAINST the children?Who would you believe: A bunch of children blaming the supernatural or an upstanding adult nun blaming one of the children?One could also theorize that the Annabelle Demon and Valak, even though they are both demons, have different agendas. Let me know what you think! So that is movie Sadako in this battle. Został on przedstawiony przez Bonnie Aarons jako zakonnica, przez Javiera Boteta jako Crooked Man/Złowrogi Pan. The handbook also states his form is comprised of energy.What wut?

Kayako Saeki (The Grudge) + Sadako (The Ring) + Valak (The Conjuring 2) + Annabelle Demon (Annabelle: Creation) vs. Dormammu. W 1952 roku Valak zabił kilka zakonnic, zostawiając tylko dwie przy życiu. deal with it.Book Sadako is planetary. Valak próbuje manipulować bohaterami na różne sposoby.

but was there at some point?New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castWelcome to /r/FanTheories! How much of the demon Valak in the movie was inspired by Valak from mythology? Odkrywa i konfrontuje Valak i skutecznie potępia Valaka powrót do piekła. 4 comments. Follow 865. So, I did not quote you. Furthermore, while the demon that possesses the Annabelle doll isn’t Valak, Valak conceivably helps this evil spirit complete its goal of possessing Janice, due to how it … I said I am not familiar wit book Sadako, can you show some proof what you said about it. However, for now, the presence of Valak in Annabelle: Creation sets the premise for The Nun movie. Dormammu wasn't even in corporal world in DS, its a manisfestation. If this entity could create physical objects and phenomena outside of its "jail" then surely it could escape.Then I remembered that small scene where they are looking at the photo of Sister Charlotte and other nuns. That is beyond physical. Od tamtej pory Valak zaczyna prześladować Lorraine. From "The Nun" movie, we know Valak pretty much killed everyone at the monastery ("The Nun" takes place 3 years BEFORE Annabelle:Creation) so if Charlotte "survived" then it could mean that she is possessed.Evidence that supports the theory that Sister Charlotte is possessed by Valak:- Valak become unhinged during WWII and Sister Charlotte was at that Monastery. Wkrótce po tym, jak odkrywają, że Valak jest za wszystkim, Ed i Lorraine powracają do rezydencji Hodgsonów, aby znaleźć wszystkie Hodgsons, z wyjątkiem Janet, zamknięte na zewnątrz. Sądząc po scenie, w której Janice jest poprowadzona przez podobizną zakonnic do domku, w którym ją otacza Annabelle, Valak celowo pomagał innym złym duchom z jego celem.

Even MCU Dormammu is well above the demons.

Kayako Saeki (The Grudge) + Sadako (The Ring) + Valak (The Conjuring 2) + Annabelle Demon (Annabelle: Creation)Scenario 2: Comic book Dormammu (Non jobbing version/616)I don't see Dormammu winning the first scenario but the second one is a mismatch.Barring Scenario 2, what makes MCU Dormmamu unable to conquer the team? Also, she's not actually a ghost.
These are all assumptions.And why do I need to read comics to argue about live action characters?Dr Strange himself had an entire battle with one of Dormammu's cultists, in astral form. Reviews: 0.