When the atmosphere is humid, her hair gets longer and frizzes up. Hieronymous "The" Hacker is the main antagonist of Cyberchase, and the creator of Digit, Buzz, Delete, and Gigabyte. She has a big dislike for insects and bugs, or anything else messy or gross she comes across. It usually depends on where or what she's doing.
He wants to have the authority to make anything happen and make people do what he wants to do. It is always a necessity for her to create a plan before she and the Cybersquad could start a quest or try something new. When Dr. Marbles finally locates the Encryptor Chip, Hacker kidnaps and imprisons him.

At first, some of these plans center around seizing and destroying the Encryptor Chip to prevent it from curing Motherboard's virus. To this end, he has infected Motherboard with a virus. The In the wake of innumerable defeats, Hacker is publicly viewed as a joke and no longer fearedHacker is a tall cyborg with green skin, a pointy nose and chin,Hacker's main outfit consists of a purple cape, tied with a black polygonal bow, over a white shirt with a Hacker is conceited (calling himself THE Hacker), manipulative, sadistic, cynical, and has what has been describedHacker is convinced that he is the "genius of all geniuses" and "the most attractive, sexiest, handsomest man in the world". In later the coat changed to pink and purple, as well as purple earmuffs Having a vain self-image, Hacker often admires himself and uses wig gel obsessively. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. when she's around those very things. (Added in the season on March 24th, 2000). And in "Past Perfect Prediction," she wore a mechanics suit. One instance is seen when he enrolls in wizard school and tries to work hard so that he can become the strongest wizard in CyberspaceThroughout the series, Hacker has suffered strong cases of Hacker sees being feared and hated by all as a goal and complimentWhen Hacker was younger, he liked working alongside his "father"Hacker is a bad boss to Buzz and Delete, usually condescending and quick to anger when they don't carry out his plans perfectly, yelling insults such as "duncebuckets" and "tinwits". Jackie loves to keep things neat and organized in order to figure things out. He manipulates Inez, Jackie, and Matt into crashing a computerized library map in the real world, which creates a breach in the system while Motherboard's firewall is down during maintenance. In the time it takes Dr. Marbles to reload the firewall, Motherboard suffers partial damage. Inez is a very generous person and is known to be very cautious and precise, as seen in "Inez's favorite foods are mangoes and popcorn, her favorite book is called Inez and Digit have a pretty good relationship in the show. Her favorite movie is She is known to have an unnamed mother, and loves her really much, as shown in "Like other characters, she sometimes appears in different clothing. She paces when she needs to think carefully. He hates being bested and is a sore loser. D&D Beyond “He wants all the power he can take on, and he wants ultimate control of everything. He particularly hates Digit for defecting to Motherboard's side. Shanti as jackie ryder as matt katie as Inez Blu as digit Scratch and grounder as buzz and delete Dr eggman as hacker Professor Oak as dr. Marbles Lewis as slider Penny Peterson as creech Duchess as motherboard Kootie pie koopa as wicked witch A drama queen, she paces while thinking through problems. The first version of the coat is green.
Inez has light tan skin and shoulder-length brown hair with bangs and a flip. She loves fashion and is a good artist. He refers to the Earth children as "Earthbrats", "the goody-goody gang"He is shown to deeply care about her, and he doesn’t want her to know he hates the cyber squad, who she likes. Like in "A Perfect Score," she wore island getup complete with a Hawaiian shirt and a sarong. She makes diagrams, charts, graphs and draws pictures.

D&D Beyond Inez is also the most maternal member of the squad, so she treats Digit's slip-ups with concern.

Cast Digit - Iago (Aladdin) Matt - Skunk (Skunk Fu!) Signature line: "Make room, I gotta pace!" Inez - Snivy (Pokémon) Jackie - Sally Acorn (Sonic SatAM) Slider - Sonic the Hedgehog Buzz - Grounder (Adventures of Sonic) Delete - Scratch (Adventures of Sonic) Hacker - Dr. Robotnik (Adventures of Sonic) Like Inez, she seems to have a crush on Slider. This is a gallery of images featuring Jackie. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The diabolical Hacker wreaks havoc when he steals the power pods of Poddleville, a cybercity filled with patterns. She also freaks out when she and her friends are in a crisis, though this decreases in later seasons. His pet peeves include getting dirty and losing his wig. Despite being beautiful, Jackie is known to be melodramatic at times, resulting in Matt making fun of her. In response, …