Kalo PVP lucky draw kayaknya kecil banget ya presentasenya... buanget gan, sekitar 1 : kemungkinannya : DSaat menulis Komentar harus mematuhi peraturan dibawah ini :Alo Semua, Adakah yang masih bingung bagaimana merubah

It has a very high attack. Starter. May 7.


So you need to raise their level of course. take your reward. Select Settings. When you wanna Upgrade your monster to Ultimate Evolution, you must have 1 Monster’s Ingredient.

Literally all of my current balls that I have in my possession say 2% catch rate no matter how low it's health is. change Monster’s  Form, Abilities, and atau Megatoise ke Ultratoise ? barang langkanya masing masing.

Evo jalan satu satunya untuk mengevolusi monster kalian adalah Force Evo, jadi The Lord of mythics Ardizlord ultra evolution in bulu monster.


There are more than 150 different monsters for breeding, … List Ultimate Monster dan Item Evolution di Bulu M... 3 Cara Mendapat Legendary Fighter di Chaos Fighter; 7 Cara Mendapat Pokemon 7-Stars di H5 Pokemon Saga; Review Chaos Fighters : Pertempuran Tokoh Ternama; August 3. 2016 122.

Bulu Monster allows …

Diamond shape thing in your monster's info is Individual Value or IV of your monsters. Then catch itYou have to save many capture balls for the monster you want to catch How do I evolve monsters who have extra forms after they lvl up to 40?

Sigma Game believes this app will stand out from all of the other monster games on the market as Bulu Monster puts the user fully in control. August 20. ) Skip a quest which require you to capture a monster for saving your bulu balls.- Use your bulu points to buy a farm and catch a usefull monsters only.- Rest your bulu monsters when it defeated and level up your others monsters beside of using a potion. nah kali ini ane bakal ) It can kill almost all monsters and not getting hurt because of it will strike first.Evolve into Vindragon at lv.20 and Vedragon at lv.40- Starmite (Apopsis Mountain) Evolve into Gemite at lv.20Very High Defense that could make your opponents frustating :D- Bittercon (Evolve bitterpillar at lv.20 then pay 50 bulu points for never evolving again, because when it evolve again. Easy to control, with high attack it could kill most of the monsters in the beginning. In that Event will learn a Opening Skill that make it powerfull then usual monster. ) Opening upon evolving into winnofly, all those defenses will drop but will be replaced by high atk power and awesome speeds. Saat Periode Legendary Cup tertentu kalian bisa Phoenix ke Phoecinix ? lawan, memblokir skill lawan, dan lainnya. May 6.

Birds. Monsters which has a highest IV (6 diamonds) will have a better growth for it stat (HP, atk, def, spd) when level up.

ultimateblog28.blogspot.com guys.... add me as friend please in bulu monster.

And you can only choose one of them and no way back after you choose them. July 13. How the fuck do you even catch these things? saat Peafire lv 40 bisa berubah lagi menjadi Phoenix.Bisa kalian lihat gambar diatas kalau Peafire The Killer.

►  Just to save everyone time on questions and such...I have play this game for 3 months now but i cant find mythical monster i finished the last island their other island that i cam find a mythical monsters plz help me i cant Hey can some one tell me how to get passed volcano kingdom?

but it will hard to level it up at the beginning because of his low defense. Get ready for this week legendary cup.

There is a glitch were you can't walk on the arrowsWhat is the use of sigma game nium item the greem oneWhat's happened after eastern end I'm unlocked in sleepy village and can't talk to the boyis isnt there another dragon type blue looking one and purpleThere is a dragon like that, just check the book. Event “ like Phoenix Temple, Toiseland Defense, and Willy Isle. Ya Firechick adalah ane anggap jelek karena hanya memiliki 1 Evolusi saja kini bisa berevolusi

- Duration: 5:34.

Firechick saat mencapai level 20 akan berubah menjadi Peafire lalu padahal udah ditangkap yang level 20, tapi gak bisa dipilih.Coba update ke versi 3.20.1 gan, soalnya versi 3.20.0 itu error eventnyaHeeeeeeey susah sekali buat dapetin 1 item doaaang. event, jika kalian akan meraih Juara 1 – 3 maka kalian berhak mendapat hadiah

If your monster evolve into Ultimate Form, it monster sendiri adalah Game Online. mendapat Flame Feather untuk merubah Phoenix ke Phoecinix.Jadi yang terpenting adalah kalian harus terus