Exercises like the Lat Pull-Down and similar techniques can help you withstand and create power. The reason behind this is that it’s an easier way to teach kids how to do a proper backhand. The deeper your return is, the betterFor convenience, I advise that you practice with another player. However, even the greatest of them all, have lost matches because of their backhand stroke.While this may come down to how good your opponent is at exploiting your weaknesses, there are some ways to strengthen your backhand and add another piece to your armor. Keeping your elbows only slightly bent, lift the dumbbells up and out to the side until they’re roughly level with the bench. Kevin now writes for several tennis related blogs and magazines.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. These three things are all interrelated and interdependent.

Stand in front of all wall, left foot forward, as if you are going to hit a forehand. Proper racquet selection and grip size are critical in preventing tennis elbow and other injuries related to improper technique. Go for 100 reps on each drill.Exercise Six – Leg Balance and Stability. Start behind the hurdle in your split step position and jump over the hurdle and back. Your core transfers the forces from the ground up to your arm and, ultimately, to your racket. There are three simple drills you can do to improve your tennis using skipping, the first one being normal skipping, the second drill is starting off with your feet together, and then going into a split step and the third drill is running on the spot. The Seated Row, another great training exercise for tennis strength, also works out the legs and core. Through these backhand drills, you will become a more versatile player and will increase the variety of tennis shots you are able to hit with ease.When it comes to backhands, the two-hander is more common amongst players of all levels and skill. On the tennis serve, you push off with more force on your front leg (the left leg for righties), so make sure you train the left leg especially hard. Do 10-15 reps and then alternate your feet so you push off with the opposite foot. One leg drills are a great way to develop explosive power in each leg but also develop great stability and balance.

A two-handed backhand reduces stress on the muscles attaching to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, helping to prevent tennis elbow. Kevin was introduced to tennis by his father at the age of 3. If you’ve been doing just pushups and bench presses, you need to start doing equal work with your back to stay in balance and away from injury.Squeeze a hand gripper and hold it in a closed position for as long as you can. What would training be without a few points to take it easy? Practicing the exercises outlined in this piece, over time, will result in the player possessing an improved shot.The backhand shot is usually a stroke that is practiced much less than the forehand, and as a result becomes a weakness.

We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Exercise Six – Leg Balance and Stability. To become faster on the court, reach more balls, have more power with your tennis forehand, backhand, and serve and be more explosive in your game, you need to do tennis-specific workouts. Eventually, I have perfected it in a way that is both efficient and fun for the players.Without further ado, here is the list of tennis backhand drills that I have put together for you.
This exercise is especially good because it trains each leg at a time. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Extend the arms as shown in the picture and squeeze together your shoulder blades, firm up your upper back and hold for a few seconds. The backhand plays a crucial role in a player’s transition into a complete package with an all court game. Many tennis players have risen and fallen over the years by the sheer might of their backhand. Ideally, someone who can play at a decent tennis level and who has a similar mindset as yours. Or call USTA Customer Support for assistance: 1-800-990-8782.Your Safe Play Approval Expires in ${daysToExpire} days!Share your location for a more tailored experience.
Here is how to do this seamlessly:Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. But if you improve your fitness, you will see huge improvements in your game, especially if you focus on your core. Try to predict the bounce and make sure to hit the ball at waist height.To perfect your one-handed tennis backhand drills, you need to work harder because it’s an even tougher shot to control.Before we start talking about the drills, I want to give you a few tips that you need to keep in mind. Skipping is one of the best ways you can improve your footwork for tennis. Once completed, move on to the next exercise.