Hybrid-Flexible Implementations Around the World 3.1. (2000). Cognitive flexibility theory focuses on the nature of learning in complex and ill-structured domains. The theory of multiple intelligences, developed by Howard Gardner, posits … Cognitivism has given rise to many evidence based education theories, including cognitive load theory, schema theory and dual coding theory as well as being the basis for retrieval practice. For this reason, emphasis is placed upon the presentation of information from multiple perspectives and use of many case studies that present diverse examples.

The best learning will happen when the experience evokes just the right amount of tension or dissonance, which is then followed by a purposeful reflective exercise in the classroom. Learn more in: The Pedagogical Implications of Web 2.0 5.

(2005). Experiential learning places learning-by-doing at the core of the educational process and stimulates reflection and reasoning based on concrete transformative events.These articles offer an overview of the research on experiential learning across disciplines in different university-level teaching and learning contexts.Experiential learning is a philosophy of education based on the work of several 20th century scholars who gave experience a central role in their theories of human learning and development (e.g., John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, Jean Piaget, Paulo Freire, Carl Rogers). Learning styles and learning spaces: Enhancing experiential learning in higher education. Experiential learning has been implemented and studied in classes with varied student enrolments, from low (around 20 students) to high (500 plus students).Different qualitative and quantitative meta-analysises of the existing literature have highlighted the following: Bullen, M., Morgan, T., & Qayyum, A. InfoSci-Knowledge Solutions Databases IGI Global is now offering a new collection of InfoSci-Knowledge Solutions databases, which allow institutions to affordably acquire a diverse, rich collection of peer-reviewed e-books and scholarly e-journals. Experiential learning and its critics: Preserving the role of experience in management learning and education. Flexible learning is a term becoming increasingly prevalent in distance education. Acquiring a language only requires an immersive process of repetition, correction and recall. Flexible Learning is closely related to Blended Learning and Distributed Learning. Supporting Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs 2.4. “flexible learning is an alternative to the face-to-face teaching model traditionally associated with higher education” Cybinski & Selvanathan (2005, p. 252) “FlexLearning is a course delivery strategy that … Teaching a Hybrid-Flexible Course 2.2. Lauren Cluff, an elementary school teacher, took a middle ground approach by swapping desks for tables, which encourages more active learning. (2011). The John Dewey theory, however, doesn’t reject the value of learning about the past. Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. A flexible learning design customizes learning environments to meet the needs of learners, using both technological and non-technological tools. Learning in a Hybrid-Flexible Course 2.3. Expanding the Implementation of Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs 2.5. The options for learning can be flexible on a continuum ranging from Fixed to More Flexible, according to the five dimensions of flexibility: Time, Content, Entry Requirements, Instructional approach and resources and Delivery and Logistics. While it is true that the space is flexible in nature, there is much more to a flexible learning environment than just the physical floor plan or furniture choices. Distance Education (especially in developing countries) has been driven by perceived national demand, rather than 'lifelong' learning philosophy. In Zheng, R. Z., & Ferris, S. P. Flexibility, when incorporated into curriculum design enables people more choice in their learning.Activity Two: Discuss the meaning of flexible learning.Activity Three: Investigate and describe two examples of flexible teaching and learning.Activity Two: Discuss the meaning of flexible learning.Activity Three: Investigate and describe two examples of flexible teaching and learning. Kayes, D. C. (2002). Numerous studies on the effectiveness of experiential learning pedagogies have been conducted over the past decades. The flexible learning environment reflects current DEECD research and knowledge on 21st century teaching and learning practices which helps to prepare students for the skills they will need in the future such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, … Learning a language requires textbooks, grammar lessons and rote memory.