It is an annual practice which is considered compulsory by the Muslim faithful. Q. Actually, most modern dreidels are made of wood, glass or metal (such as aluminium, silver, or gold, with or without precious gemstones depending on your budget), but almost any material could be fashioned into the traditional shape, which has four flat sides (sometimes with truncated corners producing an additional four smaller faces), a curved bottom surface that comes to a point on which the top can spin, and a handle to hold it with.

100+ Hanukkah Trivia Questions & Answers. What is the four-sided top typically played with by children during Hanukkah?In what month (Hebrew) or months (Gregorian Calendar) does Hanukkah typically take place?What is the Yiddish name for the potato pancakes traditionally fried in oil for the holiday?Hanukkah recognizes the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem following a revolt by which group against the Seleucids?What is the name of the central candle used to light the other candles of the menorah?What Saturday Night Live alumnus has a four part 'Chanukah Song' listing famous Jewish people?Which US President began the tradition of the annual White House Hanukkah Party?What is the name of the High Priest at the center of the Hanukkah story (or a modern-day Jewish reggae artist)?Watch our educational content, quiz creation guides, and fun videos on Sporcle TV.This website uses cookies to help us deliver our services. You can quiz yourself to test your knowledge about Hanukkah and the reason for celebrating this event every year in somewhere mid of winter season.Get ready to have unlimited hours of fun exploring the answers of the Hanukkah Trivia Quiz game. Though initially a minor holiday, Hanukkah has become one of the paradigmatic Jewish holidays.

Question by author Lpez. Join us for community, games, fun, learning, and team play!According to the English lyrics of 'The Dreidel Song' which children sing at Hanukkah, out of what material is a dreidel made?Christmas is often associated with colors such as red and green, while Hanukkah is usually identified by blue and white.

(click to play it).

State the count of Matisyahu’s sons who fought Greeks.

The oil lasted for eight days. Alexander allowed them to continue practicing their own religions, but under the rule of Antiochus IV, Jews suffered oppression. 01 Where can I … What was the miracle of Hanukkah?

Or maybe you know EVERYTHING about Hanukkah?

'Follow me, all of you who are for God's law and stand by the covenant!' In the lines below, we have given some questions for Hanukkah trivia quiz, along with their answers. 1), What does the word Hanukkah mean?

Hanukkah made its first appearance at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 1951, when Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion gave Harry Truman a menorah as a gift.

This year, Hanukkah will begin on the evening of which date? Test your knowledge on this holiday quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others. What holiday is not mentioned in the Torah? The Ultimate Gemini Quiz! According to Webster's Dictionary, which is NOT an acceptable way to spell Hanukkah?

Our online hanukkah trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top hanukkah quizzes. 31 December. In any case it is important for everyone to be present when the miracle of Hanukkah is celebrated! _____ 5), Which nation ruled over Israel at the time of the Hanukkah story? Can you choose the correct answer for each question about Hanukkah? Chanukah Trivia Questions & Answers : Festivals and Holidays ... Hanukkah! Mesmerize everyone with magical Hanukkah celebration starting from Menorah lightening to collecting blessings of Hanukah. Ramadan is an Islamic practice wherein Muslim fast for a period of time. Hanukkah commemorates the victory of the Jews over the …