Rest assured, as this style of facial hair is just as compatible with the timeless pomp.Want to get that laid back look without adding a ton of product to your hair? We now live in an age where society has accepted this haircut and you can wear it everywhere without being considered a rebel or a ‘greaser.’In other words, you can sport a pompadour at the office, to a formal event, to graduation, on your wedding day, on a night out on the town or even down the red carpet. Many men have been wearing it including a lot of celebrities. One trait they had in common was their hairstyle. Ready go!! A popular barber shop haircut is the We have covered pompadours for men with straight and curly hair, but what about those with naturally wavy strands?

Not only that, but men are wearing a modern version of the greaser pompadour right now, in the second half of the 2010s. Nowadays even women with short hairstyle it this way, like Pink and Rihanna. Its bold impression is serious, yet still vividly fun; perhaps it’s a good reason as to why the pompadour has always been a popular choice.Aside from product alone, the pompadour can be seen in any modern barbershop along with fades and uncombed sides. & the occasional Snow Dog

This hairstyle works perfectly well with curly, straight, fine or thick hair. !DJ Victory recently created a collection called Suave Sophisticate which features a long-haired male model wearing four different looks. In fact, not only that, but it was invented especially for a woman.

That means that you can take the pompadour and truly make it your own through original styling. In fact, it took a very long time before the hairstyle was resurrected. They took their cue from Elvis Presley and James Dean as well as other early rock’n’roll musicians, preparing the revolution that would come in the 60s and 70s.The young men had the nickname the Greasers because they used petroleum jelly or pomade, in other words, grease to style their hair into a pompadour. Originally intended for women, the pompadour haircut reappeared in modern history and made a name for itself when Elvis wore it in the 50s. All you need is the right length on top to make sure you have enough hair to create the pomp.When it comes to the sides, a fade will always be the best way to go. This lead to other members of the royal court embracing the style which became the thing ‘du jour.’ And so its lengthy journey through time began.Marie Antoinette, another one of France’s most famous queens, also wore a very elaborate pompadour. The same goes for layered pompadour haircuts.We know by now that a pompadour haircut with a beard results in a dreamy appearance, but what if you opt for an intriguing mustache? While it indeed involves shaving the lower part of your hair into an undercut, it’s a far less drastic approach with smooth results.We’ll get more into the idea of a classic front curl pompadour below, but let’s ease into the topic with this hairstyle. If you want that true pompadour, you need to inform your barber that you do not want the conservative rockabilly but rather a real high hit pompadour. Just an example is mixing a pompadour haircut with a It may seem redundant to associate a pompadour haircut with brushed up styling, but the wide variety of modern alternatives now available leads us here. As we move toward the end of this decade, the haircut continues to be one of the most beloved hairstyles on the planet. The Gibson Girl pompadour remained in vogue until World War I.After the war, the pompadour became a preferred style for women once more. You can skip slicking back and trade it in for sweeping back. You need to focus on styling. You can awe at any photo shoot with a spectacular pompadour like the one in this example. Until, somehow, in a strange turn of events, men picked it up in the 50s and made it completely their own, even though it had been a ladies’ haircut for two centuries. Let us know in the comment section!Jeffery worked as a barber throughout the East Coast before moving to sunny California. The messier or more casual it gets, the better.It’s important to remember that you can get a pompadour haircut independently of what type of hair you have.

Although this version strays away from the pompadour contour we are used to, it’s a contemporary alternative for those who want to add a personal touch to their haircut.With modern hairstyles, anything goes. You’re bound to discover a style that’s perfect for the next trip to the barbershop.Disclaimer: This page may contain affiliate links. He was also a cut apart from everyone else in the era because he didn’t really use a lot of hair pomade to make his hair shine. It also helps that we now have much better hair styling products than our grandfathers did back in the day.What types of fade can you pair with a pompadour? Wear a comb with you at all times because you will need to readjust the pomp and the sides whenever you can.As far as the messy pompadour is concerned, you can use some hair wax. To create it, you must first choose whether you want to go for the traditional shiny and slick greaser style or if you want the more modern messy pompadour.Once you’ve made up your mind, you will also be able to choose the appropriate styling products. It’s a showcase of free-spiritedness and makes a bold statement about a man’s personally.To help you discover both mixes of the classic and modern cut, I’ve put together a collection of 50 Pompadour hairstyles for men.