Volume 40 (2024)

Fast spectral variability of the RS CVn-type hromosphere-active star II Peg
B. Zhilyaev, M. Andreev, I. Verlyuk
B. Zhilyaev, M. Andreev, I. Verlyuk

Contributing to the spectral evolution of the nova V1405 Cas
Josep Martı́, Pedro L. Luque-Escamilla , Cintia S. Peri
Josep Martı́, Pedro L. Luque-Escamilla , Cintia S. Peri

Altitude profile of ion production and ionization effect at the Regener-Pfotzer region during the
GLE 71 on 17 May 2012
Alexander Mishev, Peter I.Y. Velinov
Alexander Mishev, Peter I.Y. Velinov

Properties of Milky Way globular clusters associated with X-ray sources
Svetoslav Botev, Petko Nedialkov, Georgi P. Petrov
Svetoslav Botev, Petko Nedialkov, Georgi P. Petrov

Mass accretion rate in the jet-driving symbiotic binary MWC 560
V. D. Marchev, R. K. Zamanov
V. D. Marchev, R. K. Zamanov
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