I absolutely hate it when people call me those or when my classmates, when I've known most of them since kindergarten, spell my name wrong.

A borrowing from the Greek, Sophia is directly derived from sophia (wisdom, skill).

It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced So-phie. My mom chose this name because it doesn't really have any nicknames, but I have found it to be nickname prone. Sophie is a main character in the book series "The Immortal Nicholas Flamel" by Michael Scott Sophie Devereux, a con artist in the show "Leverage" Sophie, one of the Stepford Cuckoos in the X-Men comics

My daughters name is Sophie and we love it! It means ‘wisdom’ (another great reason to love it!

I loved that nickname, and that teacher was my favorite.I absolutely adore this name and have never wished for a different one (though I have wished for a different middle name). Its origins are Greek and it doesn’t have any particular religious connections. ).Sophie is the most popular form of the name in Ireland, but it has many variations, including:As we know, there isn’t one particular Sophie who made the name a sensation, but there are a number of women with the name who are well known.A good few fictional characters have been given the name, like:Do you know many Sophies or Sophias? MyTribe101 Ltd., Officepods, 15A Main St, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, A94 T8P8, Ireland. I have never once found a keychain with my name on it. Irish Name Translator Utility. Is SOPHIE name fit for baby name ? The meaning of Sophie is "wisdom". Sophie is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls. It is so annoying when everyone even after telling them that my name is Sophie still calls me Sophia and the actual Sophia’s Sophie. My only cross to bear with this name is that I'm forever telling people that it's Sophie, not Sophia and that it's spelled with a "ph" not an "f" and an "ie" not an "ia".

I love my name, and I'm fine with people calling me Sophie or Soph, but definitely not Sofa or Sophia. It means ‘wisdom’ (another great reason to love it!). Variants. What does Sophie mean? As for the nickname "Soph", I do hate when people go to it straight away having just met me and I usually correct people, my parents hated it being shortened when I was growing up, but now that I'm older I think it's a cute nickname between my good friends. Send us will publish it for you. Sláine is an Irish girls' name with the same meaning. My husband and I had never personally known a Sophie or Sophia.

The name Sophie means Wisdom and is of French origin. There are 2 Sophias and 2 Sophies (including me) in my grade, but one Sophie's real name is Sophia, so at least I can say I'm the only birth Sophie in my grade.
Sophie is the main character of the book and movie Howl's Moving Castle. Can you see the name’s appeal?RollerCoaster.ie is Ireland’s most popular Website for Pregnancy & Parenting. I'm a teacher's pet and my friends say I'm super smart (but I don't know). Even though it’s a relatively new name, in terms of popularity, on our shores, Sophie has a very long history. I REALLY hate when people call me Sophia, because it's SOPHIE!!!! Though I have a friend named Sophie, and her real name is Sophia.

She is one of the most beautiful person you will lay eyes on. When we names her it wasn't as popular as it is today.

However, I have a problem with the nickname Soph, as that seems to be the nickname every single Sophie/Sophia goes by, and even when strangers have just learnt my name, unfortunately, I become Soph. There's a Sofie in my grade, and when we got put in the same class in third grade, our teacher nicknamed me Dr. Sophie since I had a 'ph' in my name and she didn't. Sophies are beautiful, very kind, smart, athletic, have a cute personality, and are keepers. The name has been in common use in England since the 17th century, when it was bestowed upon the infant daughter of James I.After Sophia made it to the top 10, Sophie entered the top 100, and now at #82, it's bound to rise even higher!Sophie is not so common in the US that there will be five Sophie's in your kid's class, but neither will she ever find a keychain with her name on it like the Elizabeths and Janes and Susans of the world will. Wattenburg deduces that it’s the name’s reputation as a classic, that it’s recognisable and that it crosses cultures that gives it its global appeal.The name first became popular in the Western world among Christians who named their daughters after the saint, Sophia the Martyr. Would you like to add Celebrities. A unique, one of a kind girl.

It became popular among royalty, too – there are many Princess Sophias on the family trees of European royal houses.Sophie is the diminutive of Sophia. The name Sophie is of French origin.

She's understanding, an amazing friend to both girls and boys and she'll always have your back.

I don't mind Soph, but Sofa gets on my nerves.

Hasn’t added the name of any famous person for SOPHIE. I love owls (and the Greek Goddess Athena). It also in opinion ages well for both a little girl and a woman's name.Soph, Sophers, Sophie-bear, Slow-phie, Sofa, Sophie-Soph, soap-ee, Fi, Soph-a-loph, Loph, Lophie, Plopher, Ploph, Phia, Phee, Phie, Phie Phie, Fee, Fee Fee, Sophie BaGophie, Gophsters,Gophers, Gophs, Ophie Dophie, Soph, Sonia. Sophie is generally used as a girl's name. Sophie is a form of Sophia.

So, there's a connection in meaning. So when my friend Sophie comes over we go by Dophie and Pophie.

All in all, I'm entirely happy and blessed to have Sophie as my name and I wouldn't have it any other way.My name is Sophie, and I'm not too fussed with it.