They provide T’au kill teams with impressive long-range stopping power. There is little that can survive such a salvo. Darkstrider is a cunning tactician and a warrior to be reckoned with, his unconventional methods have brought much glory to his cadre. Able to take bonus specialists, Elucidian Starstriders kill teams can be a veritable band of heroes.

Far from unthinking machines, Necrons have been known to display truly inspired levels of cunning, though their predominant strategy is to obliterate their foes from afar with a relentless storm of atomising gauss energy. Only the most grizzled and seasoned Fire Warriors become Cadre Fireblades. The 41st Millennium is full of elite teams whose names have passed into legend, and each of their members is a renowned hero in their own way. They can give effective fire support with sniper rifles or engage the enemy at close range with blades in hand.

Ork medics use their anatomical know-how to fix up Boyz and dismember enemies in equal measure. Specialising in rapid responses to heavily armoured enemy threats, Suppressors blast apart anyone caught in their path with brutal ferocity. No Killzone better represents what fighting across such a ruined battlefield is like than the Sector Imperialis.

In battle, these kill teams operate as a microcosm of the greater T’au war machine.

The Orks’ great strength and durability make them excellent hand-to-hand fighters, and most Ork kill teams eschew such a tedious concern as marksmanship in favour of closing with the enemy as quickly and violently as possible, swarming them with sheer numbers.As befitting the T’au Empire’s highly organised and adaptable forces, T’au kill teams tend to be perfectly specialised and equipped for their task. With every encounter, the members of a kill team gather more data concerning their enemy and adapt their subroutines to eliminate them.Having waged a long shadow war against the Imperium for more than 10 millennia, the Heretic Astartes are perfectly suited to covert war.

Their long experience means that they know exactly where to place shots to cause maximum damage. Guardsmen offer Astra Militarum kill teams overwhelming numerical superiority, enabling them to pin down or eliminate enemy fighters with massed salvos of lasgun fire as they advance to consolidate their position on any critical locations. They serve as the elite core of many kill teams, combining enhanced armour and superior weaponry into a deadly adversary. Each one is designed to keep your games fresh by offering unique environmental challenges whilst giving you the opportunity to engineer the lay of the land to your advantage.

A veritable one-man army. Kill Team has been designed with the narrative of Warhammer 40,000 firmly in mind, designed to transform the troops you battle with into a distinct and memorable cast of characters. They carry a wide variety of armaments, many tailored to the elimination of particular types of enemy, and each warrior’s battlefield expertise is leveraged to lethal effect. This can lead to clouds of toxic emissions that leave the injured vulnerable to asphyxiation and gouts of incinerating flame that erupt from cooling vents along the embedded pipelines!

Despite their small numbers, Grey Knights kill teams wield exceptional power. Any that stand in their path risk being artfully dispatched as the Harlequins’ performance continues without pause.Necron kill teams are chosen by an Overlord from amongst his most favoured warriors. Nightmares made of muscle and claw, Broodlords are frequently seen leading Genestealers into battle, ripping their enemies apart in explosions of viscera. Armed with burnas, which they use to incinerate their victims wholesale and carve through armour like a blowtorch in combat, Burna Boyz live the pyromaniac’s dream whilst providing their kill team with literal firepower. The Kill Team Starter Set is the perfect way to enter the world of skirmish warfare in the 41st Millennium. Shardwrack spines form impenetrable barriers over the millennia, barbed venomgorse and grapple weed snake insidiously toward any living being, pumping them full of debilitating neurotoxin and eldritch ruins resonate with the psychic energies of their long-passed creators.

T'au kill teams often include a variety of Drones – small, hovering support platforms designed to provide suppressive fire, protective energy shielding, markerlight targeting data and a number of other useful battlefield roles. Each is not only equipped with the very deadliest weaponry, but they also utilise specialist ammunition tailored towards the utter annihilation of their targets. Deceptively large despite being one of the smallest Tyranid bioforms, Termagants are aggressive creatures whose forearms are fused with one of a variety of bio-weapons that spit forth razor-sharp spines or burrowing, beetle-like critters. Many of his enemies have been dragged into the shadows, their scalped bodies being discovered days later. They emerge from hiding places firing disciplined bursts from their marksman bolt carbines. Each battle-brother is armed with the specialised wargear of their order – sanctified bolters, psychically charged Nemesis force weapons and warded armour of blessed adamantium and silver. Meanwhile, their weapons can cut down any xenos threat.Melee experts beyond compare, a Vanguard Veteran is are able to take down any xenos monstrosity in close combat.Warriors of peerless skill, they have reached the apex of training with every weapon in the Chapter's armoury.Only those Grey Knights with a will of iron and exceptional strength of mind ever become a Librarian. They are often comprised of grizzled veterans supplemented by newer recruits, though it’s not at all uncommon to see regimental survivors or scouting troops who’ve found themselves fighting behind enemy lines, banding together to increase their chances of survival and victory.

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