Please keep going Doc.. Where to begin about John McWhorter? Prof. McWhorter has such deep knowledge of the subject and his enthusiasm is infectious. I love the glee and excitement and appreciate hearing the music and language.

The host of "Lexicon Valley," John H. McWhorter, teaches linguistics at Columbia University. I do like the tunes, and I feel like I could listen to John’s voice for hours. I bought a few linguistics books and registered for a course. Show tunes are fine. Try it out.Always funny and informative. How do children do it?Can strongly aspirated consonants increase transmission of COVID-19?A luxuriance of long words, baroque case endings, and irregular everything—the Native American tongues!Host John McWhorter shares some of his longstanding language peeves—yes, linguists have them too!Host John McWhorter finds linguistic inspiration in an 80-year-old musical performance of Rubber Dolly.The -o suffix traces back to old comic strip characters with names like Knocko and Groucho. There is no need.I listened to this a couple years ago before it went dormant for a while, and I’m happy to rediscover it, with the “Language vs. Dialect” episode. It grinds my nerves.

JW might be the only person on earth right now who seems genuine and free-thinking, not to mention original. Dr. McWhorter, please please just go ahead and make a showtunes podcast already for people who actually like that stuff and reserve this podcast for linguistics. Somehow life goes on.On the insults, acronyms, and sloganeering of America’s racial reckoning.The curious grammar of questions in languages around the world.Language acquisition is like magic. On top of that, and I'm sure John McWhorter will agree with me 100% on this, if you don't like him as the host then you are clearly a racist, xenophobic, anti-muslim, loyal Trump-supporter. But his overuse of old time show tunes is even more annoying than the intrusive ads. Podcasting at its best! Ugh— THANK YOU. I only recently discovered (thanks to hearing him on The Remnant and then Conversations with Tyler) that he’s even more interesting when he’s talking about language; that’s what brought me here. So sorry! No signup or install needed. In the very first episode one of the hosts brought up a Paul McCartney lyric and derided it. This approach clearly works for many - including, obviously, the host - but not for me. I look forward to the personal stories he shares and the way he unapologetically weaves in snippets from Broadway musicals, Bugs Bunny cartoons, old episodes of I Love Lucy, etc.

I’m looking to start quite small, but need a potentially fast-moving company with a go-getter owner. There is no need. I do hope the recent ad proliferation gets toned down soon though, it’s getting to be a lot. You went ahead and got the PhD so I didn’t have to. Gosh those show tunes are awful to listen to.I really loved this podcast, especially when Mike Vuolo was the podcaster. I wish I’d known about this some years ago., I’d be a million-air Guess it’s not to late. I loved Lexicon Valley v1 (Vuolo/Garfield), and I really tried to like Lexicon Valley v2 (McWhorter), so much so that I’ve powered through every episode to date, but I really can’t take the steady stream of show tunes (I like show tunes, but, seriously, overkill) and guttural utterances (I understand that they’re supposed to lend a semblance of authenticity, but seriously, jarring) anymore. Lexicon Valley is podcasting at its best. You can learn a lot, but the fans are really here just to hang out with John and be entertained. Tweety Bird and Toddlerspeak. Lexicon Valley is podcasting at its best. Good luck and happy investing.Hi Neil, this is very helpful, guess we need more info on how and where….reading other comments shows we all came from another world……thanksGoing through the terminology I learned a lot. I am earmarking this page to get used to the terminology.How can I start inversing?