Resolutions that we will write-up into our diary on January 1st and promptly forget by January 2nd. You may find related activities planned by community centers, schools, or health care organizations related to these specific topics. What about writing backwards? He enjoys writing about video games, television and general knowledge.

Why is Jan 15 special for army and 10 things you should about Army Day The first two chiefs of the army after Independence were British. Have fun celebrating the Chinese New Year, which is a long holiday filled with daily cultural traditions including feasts of symbolic foods and exchanging monetary gifts in auspicious red envelopes.

Wolf Moon. The January Full Moon is named after howling wolves. According to science, January babies may have an edge when it comes to certain professions.
Humiliation Day. Here are 20 facts all about August. He represents all beginnings and possesses the ability to see the past and the future.Originally, January and February were the last months of the calendar year. January 1: New Year's Day, National Hangover Day January 2: National Science Fiction Day January 3: J.R.R. Festival of Sleep Day. Why, because it’s January, and nothing interesting happens in January. St Hilary's feast day on 13th January has gained the reputation of being the coldest day of the year due to past cold events starting on or around this date. Matthew and Alison Smith is raising money for Charity. You will learn something about everything!The Fact Site requires you to enable Javascript to browse our websiteHow Pepsi Became The Sixth Largest Military In The World It’s sticky, gooey, and just divine.Nobody really needs a reason to eat chocolate cake, but here’s one anyway.This is a day about challenging people to think about how secure their personal data is online, and finding out ways to make it secure.Also known as Thomas Paine Day, as it occurs on the famous thinker’s birthday.This holiday is about challenging life’s status quo by thinking for yourself.A voicemail of your friend swearing at you because you got them with a prank answering message is just gold.Try it out and see how many of your friends you can catch out!Celebrate this day by doing things backwards. Keep the holiday spirit alive by celebrating a holiday or special day every day in January. Resolutions.

Why is 1 January 1970 00:00:00 considered the epoch time? It’s because January is my birthday month! But how did January end up being the first month of the year? Is it too good to be true? Often cold enough to warrant wearing a hat.Invented by newspaper-columnist Harold Coffin in 1973, this day has no purpose or structure, and no particular way of celebration.Let’s face it, you probably didn’t expect yourself to last the whole year when you made your New Year’s Resolution did you?This day is typically celebrated with a good teddy bear’s picnic and lots of honey!Popcorn is the universal standard for movie-going food worldwide.A great excuse to visit your local zoo and see the penguins at play.Give your mother a hug to show her your care, or give your best friend a hug to let them know they’re awesome.This one sure is a bizarre one, but why not celebrate all the hard work your feet do by putting them up and getting a tape measure on them!Laughter has been known to up your immune system, prevent stress, and So have a long and hearty belly laugh and do yourself some good!Celebrate Opposite Day by not doing nothing nowhere, if you don’t catch my drift.G’day mate, today is Australia Day. January 2 Run up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day. There are many epochs in use.

January is often the time when cabin fever sets in. August is the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar.

January is the first month of the year, has 31 days, and is named after the two-faced Roman god Janus.The month of January is named after the Roman god of doors, Janus, because this month is the door into the new year.

Yes, January is in the list of the longest months of the year. Around 713 BC, the semi-mythical successor of Romulus, King Numa Pompilius, is supposed to have added the months of January and … Major computers systems and libraries use any of at least a couple dozen various epochs.

He's also depicted with two heads; one head looking at the past, the other at the future.

Today, we bring you few reasons that explain why January is not so cool month of the year.

Today is the perfect day for it!It’s safe to say that early January is usually pretty cold. 6 Reasons Why January Birthdays Are The Best *Spongebob Voice* We are number one! The Roman calendar began in January initially consisted of 30 days when it was added to the 10-month Roman calendar. January is a month named by the Romans after the God Janus, the God of Gateways.This is because January is the gateway to the new year, and is most often welcomed through a celebration of great merriment and mirth – not to mention a usually-unachievable new year’s resolution!Well January is month full of wacky and weird days, and these are the most awesome for each and every day!No it’s not the day that marks the rising of the dead, but rather Z Day celebrates people with names beginning with a “Z”.This day exists to raise awareness of the dangers of traveling with an unsecured pet in your car.This day marks the creation of the modern drinking straw and is celebrated by drinking all the day’s liquids through a straw!It doesn’t have to be a plastic straw either, why not get one you can reuse?Spaghetti Day celebrates one of the world’s most loved foods and it’s pretty simple to celebrate – just have some spaghetti!What better way to celebrate everyone’s favorite aerosol-canned food by blasting yourself a mouthful of whipped cream and saying “Whipped Cream Day”!The perfect day to bust out a duvet, cuddle up on the sofa with your loved ones or pets and watch some This day is about standing up for yourself, telling those who give you grief that you’re done with it.A Joy Germ is a germ that is passed on through a smile, in the hopes that others catch the germ and smile in turn.

There are puddles everywhere!Whether you love it or loathe it you have to admit that marzipan pulls its weight at Christmas.And there’s always some left, so what better day to finish it all off?This is a day to honor the sceptic within.