The Earth Element: Signs and Personality. 4 Elements of a SWOT Analysis. It can be difficult to self-evaluate to gain insight into our base emotions and desires. Your loved ones are what motivate you and keep you stable. You are stubborn and bull-headed and will often stick to your position for no other reason than it is your position. An avid traveler and citizen of nowhere and everywhere, Cara has lived all over the world including North Carolina, London, Massachusetts, Maine, Georgia, Illinois, and Connecticut. This is the same for the mind of a person with the Air element. Our vast Universe and all that it contains is built from four fundamental building blocks of existence. The basis of everything around us is made up from the 4 elements – Water, Air, Earth, and Fire.

SWOT analysis is a process that identifies an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. That’s why finding your element can help. Because of this you are witty and entertaining and are a welcomed guest at any party. Without them, your passion turns to obsession and you quickly exhaust yourself. Charismatic. TAURUS (April 20-May 20), VIRGO (August 23 … You can also easily turn a positive into a negative. Your loved ones are what motivate you and keep you stable. The four basic elements (sometimes called "temperments") are air, earth, fire, and water. We know now that there are many more elements than these four, however, they do correlate with the four states of matter accepted by modern science: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.When it comes to astrology, these elements have been ascribed to different characteristics that correspond with their nature.The Earth is stable and reliable, yet constantly working and moving.
You call absolutely everything into question. While Air will make it grow, Earth will keep it burning steadily. They agree that the very fabric of our existence comes down to the four elements. Sometimes you're right, but you can take things too far and this may hinder your work and that of your colleagues.

Without them, your passion turns to obsession and you quickly exhaust yourself.Water is constantly flowing, with much of its activity happening below the surface. I tend to be drawn to watery resources whenever I feel a need to be re-energized. Focused. For instance, in a relationship between a Capricorn and a Cancer, these two tend to want similar things out of life and have similar values, such as being family-oriented, professionally driven, and prioritizing stability.Their opposite characteristics also mesh well, as the Cancer tends to be caring and perceptive of emotion, while the Capricorn is level-headed and practical.These four astrological elements have been paired with the different characteristics that correspond with their nature, and we hope you’ve come away with a better understanding of how they may affect you and your life. Look down the left hand side for the attacking type, then move across to see how effective it is against each Pokémon type. On the opposite side of this, you can sometimes be overprotective.As it is impossible to stop the world from turning, it is also impossible to change your mind once it has been made up. She began her career working at a newspaper and has since transitioned into the freelance market. Commitment doesn’t come naturally to you.Couple this with your sometimes insensitive nature and it makes Fire provides heat and light, but it cannot exist on its own. Be aware that while you have charm, you sometimes lack social graces. While some are outgoing, rational and clever, others are scattered, eccentric, and cold. You are You are an artist and love to create. Every person has one or two dominating elements. You excel at multi-tasking, however, be careful as you are also easily distracted.
By knowing which elements dominate your personality and what traits or habits are tied to those elements you can recognize when your over-extending yourself on one or another.For instance, if you’re a fire sign, it’s important to remember the traits you naturally express, such as energy, elevated emotion, and passion. The purest form of these elements was impossible to attain and said to not exist on Earth; rather everything we perceive on Earth consists of some combination of the elements. This system relates organs, emotions, sounds, flavors and much more to each element. Those with the Earth element share these traits. Healers have found that focusing on the elements can often be helpful when seeking what course of treatments would best address our problems. Too much of any one thing can lead to burnout, overindulgence, laziness, aloofness, or insecurity. This compassion for others leaves your own needs neglected. The same is true for you. As you read over the qualities associated with each of the four elements of nature, you might have your “aha!” moment, or you might feel as though you don’t relate to certain aspects.This variation is because every person is an utterly unique combination of elements. There are many healing traditions and religions which incorporate the elements in their practices. You are studious and scholarly and often see “the big picture” when others cannot.However, as changeable as the direction of the wind, Air people can also vary quite drastically. #4 Strength and Weakness – Critical. Decisive. Water, Air, Earth, and Fire make up the simple building blocks that have created such incredible … The same is true for you. You think through every decision thoroughly and often find clever solutions to difficult problems. Your focus is placed so often on logic, that you often overlook feelings. However, once you do, you are loyal to a fault. Your passion turns to anger quickly and blinds you when hurting those close. Taking pampering soaks in the tub, walking in the rain, and skinny dipping in the ocean are personal favorite indulgences. Understanding For more information on astrology and the way it may influence your personality and lifestyle, check out some of our video content Cara Hebert is a writer who received her BFA from Boston University. Strengths : Passionate. As mentioned, the Five Elements have a system of correspondences in the body. You must find balance in learning to help others and learning to help yourself in order to find harmony.Balancing your element is important, just like anything in life. The same is true for people born to the Fire element.

The four suits in the Tarot represent the four elements.