Volume 35 (2021)

Non-isothermal effects on the static equilibria of magnetized layers of
molecular clouds
Nahid Bahmani, Mohsen Nejad-Asghar
Nahid Bahmani, Mohsen Nejad-Asghar

A Surge Preceding Prominence Eruption on 2014 March 14: Case Study
Peter Duchlev, Momchil Dechev, Kostadinka Koleva
Peter Duchlev, Momchil Dechev, Kostadinka Koleva

A new prolonged decrease event in the brightness of the young stellar
object V2492 Cygni
Sunay Ibryamov and Evgeni Semkov
Sunay Ibryamov and Evgeni Semkov

Fundamentals of Differential and All-Sky Aperture
Photometry Analysis for an Open Cluster
Kanwar Preet Kaur, Pankaj S. Joshi
Kanwar Preet Kaur, Pankaj S. Joshi

Investigation of Nonlinearity and Chaos in Solar Flare Index Signal
Shankhachur Mukherjee, Swetadri Samadder and Koushik Ghosh
Shankhachur Mukherjee, Swetadri Samadder and Koushik Ghosh

UBVRI observations of the flickering of the dwarf nova RX And
R. K. Zamanov, G. Nikolov, A. T. Georgieva
R. K. Zamanov, G. Nikolov, A. T. Georgieva

Investigating and computer modeling of erupting comets and comet tails
E. Bojurova, V. Mirev, T. Stoyanov and A. Savova
E. Bojurova, V. Mirev, T. Stoyanov and A. Savova
Dissertation summaries:
Online Materials:
1. Rositsa Miteva - "Eruptive versus confined X-class flares in solar cycles 23 and 24" - Data Table