Zappacosta - We Should Be Lovers (Original Video) - YouTube Enjoy the lyrics !!!

It is track #3 from the album Zappacosta that was released in 1984. 6 Zappacosta.

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The duration of this song is 04:13. Get track

Top Zappacosta Lyrics Zappacosta (1984) It is track #3 from the album Zappacosta that was released in 1984. Zappacosta's first band was Surrender, a five-piece that recorded three albums in the late … Loading player… Lyrics to 'Overload' by Zappacosta. Do you know any background info about this track?

As a result, he won the …

As a result, he subsequently won the Juno Award for "Most Promising Male Vocalist". Listen to We Should Be Lovers from Alfie Zappacosta's Start Again for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Can I change your mind, will you find some time to explainYou say it that isn't fair when you're your heart's not thereThere's no more feeling's to share when your heart's not thereAnd though your sure it can't be I will always believeCan I change your mind, please find time to explainYou say it that isn't fair when you're your heart's not there

In 1984 he recorded his first self-titled solo album …

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Zappacosta's first band was Surrender, a five-piece that recorded three albums in the late 1970's into the early 1980's. His second album A-Z w… In 1984 he recorded his first self-titled solo album which contained the hit singles "Passion" and "We Should Be Lovers".